
Thank you for your interest in joining Te Pū Harakeke (previously known as the Palmerston North Community Services Council). Becoming a member of our collective makes our advocacy for the community sector stronger and more effective. Membership also gives you access to our regular members' networking meetings, and discounts on training and professional development opportunities for your team.

Membership is open to any not-for-profit organisation, individual, businesses or government agency who is engaged in social or community service in the Manawatū.

All prices below are GST exclusive.

Membership fees for 2024/25 will be:

  • Full member (Not for profits) with annual expenditure under $500,000- $49 per annum
  • Full member (Not for profits) with annual expenditure $500,000 and over - $99 per annum
  • Associate Member - $125 per annum
  • Individual member - $25 per annum

Please click here to complete a Membership Application form


Our Constitution sets out the following provisions for membership:

Full Membership 

  • Any group which is a not-for-profit entity engaged in community or social service in the Manawatū shall be eligible for Full Membership of Te Pū Harakeke, provided that the organisation is— 
    • a registered charity; or 
    • an Incorporated Society; or 
    • a Charitable Trust; or 
    • any other group which satisfies the Board that it is a bona fide not-for-profit. 
    • Each Full Member shall be entitled to one vote. 

Individual Membership 

  • Any person who is engaged in community or social service in the Manawatū and is not employed by an organisation eligible for Full Membership shall be eligible for Individual Membership of Te Pū Harakeke. 
  • Each Individual Member shall be entitled to one vote. 

Associate Membership 

  • Any government agency, business, or other group which does not meet the criteria for Full Membership, but is engaged in community or social service, shall be eligible for Associate Membership of Te Pū Harakeke. 
  • Associate Members shall not be entitled to vote. 

Life Membership 

  • Life Membership may be awarded by resolution of a General Meeting 
  • Candidates for Life Membership must provide their consent to being Members. 
  • Each Life Member shall be entitled to one vote. 
  • Life Members shall not be liable for any Membership fees. 

Becoming a Member 

  • All applications for Membership shall be made in writing to the Board and must include written consent to being a Member. 
  • In the case of organisations or groups, the application must affirm that it is being submitted under the authority of that group’s Board, Trustees, or Committee. 
  • All applications for Membership are subject to— 
    • approval by a resolution of the Board; and 
    • payment of the relevant Membership subscription fee, which shall be set at a General Meeting. 
    • All Members shall be deemed to accept and be bound by the provisions of this Constitution.