

Community Development Small Grants Fund

Applications open throughout the month of May only // Funding subject to the Palmerston North City Council's confirmation of the 2025-26 budget.

Grants of up to $5,000 (subject to availability of funds) are available to provide funding for essential administration expenses to enable local communities and for-purpose organisations to operate. This fund is made available by the Palmerston North City Council and is administered by Te Pū Harakeke - Community Collective Manawatū.

Purpose: To provide funding for essential administration expenses to enable local communities and for-purpose organisations to operate. 

Eligibility: Open to local communities and for-purpose organisations, based in Palmerston North, and primarily providing a service, activity, or project to Palmerston North residents. 

  • Local communities: Local communities of identity interest, or place who have no formal legal structure. These groups must apply under the umbrella of a legal entity.
  • For-purpose organisations: Charities, social enterprises (see PNCC policy), incorporated societies and other non-governmental organisations that deliver a public benefit and reinvest all surplus finds into achieving their goals. They should not impose unreasonable restrictions on membership or participation.

The following are not eligible to apply: Sports clubs, sports service providers or those who are primarily focused on sports initiatives; Political parties; Public sector entities; Council controlled organisations; Proposals which are primarily to promote religious ministry, political or fundraising purposes; Programmes or activities which are the responsibility of central government (e.g. core education or healthcare). 

Allocation amounts: A maximum of $5,000 per successful applicant may be allocated (excluding GST). We anticipate that this fund will be over-subscribed, and applicants are unlikely to receive the maximum allocation. 

Support Priorities: Priority will be given to services, activities, or projects which: 

  • contribute to outcomes to achieve goal 2, 3 or 4 of Council's strategic direction:

    • Goal 2: He tāone whakaihiihi, tapatapahi ana, a creative and exciting city
    • Goal 3: He hapori tūhonohono, he hapori haumaru, a connected and safe community
    • Goal 4: He tāone toitū, he tāone manawaroa, a sustainable and resilient city
  • do not receive other forms of operational funding and support from Council including rates remissions or community occupancy, and

  • demonstrate a need for administration support

Higher priority will be given to groups which fall within Tier 3 and Tier 4 of the Charities Services reporting standards.

Lower priority will be given to groups which have two or more years of operating expenses in their operating reserves. 

Essential administrative expenses include, but are not limited to: 

  • audit fees and/or financial review costs
  • communication costs
  • energy costs
  • insurance - public liability and assets
  • rent and venue hire
  • stationary - printing, postage, photocopying
  • volunteer expenses - including training, supervision, travel

The following expenses will not be covered:

  • individual training expenses or on-going educational costs
  • salaries, wages, or other employee expenses
  • consumables such as food, toiletries, or cleaning supplies
  • capital items such as furniture, equipment, or computers
  • bank charges or fees
  • membership subscriptions
  • start-up projects
  • activities covered by other PNCC funds
  • any expenditure already incurred

If you have any questions about the Small Grants Fund, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

2024 Accountability: If you received a Small Grant Fund in 2024, the accountability form is now available under 'my submissions' when you log in to the SmartyGrants account you used to apply. If the form isn't visible, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please be advised that a new grant application will not be accepted until this accountability form has been submitted.


Community Development Emergency Grant

Emergency Grants are available to any group who meets the same criteria as the Community Development Small Grants Fund and who are facing unexpected costs or loss of revenue which threatens the continued viability of their organisation.

Emergency Grants can only be used for the same administration costs as the Small Grants Fund. Funding will not be considered for specific projects and wages. We will endeavour to consider applications within two weeks of the request. Please note that there is a very small amount available in this fund for each financial year.

To discuss an Emergency Grant, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Links to other Funders:

Check funders websites for eligibility and dates of funding rounds.


If you are specifically based in the Manawatū, check out the 'Manawatu Grant Finder' on GrantGuru.